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What if my child is absent?

In the case of illness, or unforeseen absence, parents must inform the school before 9am on each day of absence. If you are phoning early in the morning or Reception is busy, a message can be left on the school’s answer phone. Tel: 01425 475000 or email

If your child needs to leave the premises or will be arriving late during the day because of a medical appointment, you will need to advise the school. This can be done through a note in your child’s homework diary, a telephone call to the school (01425 475000), or via email ( Your child must also sign in or out using the system in place at main reception.

If an absence has not been reported, the school will make contact with the parent/carer on the day of absence. If contact by the school has not been successful, emergency numbers provided by parent/carer will be tried or a message left if necessary. If the parent/carer does not make contact with the school to explain the absence, the school may choose to unauthorise the absence.

What if my child is late?

Being late to school in the morning means your child will miss out on essential notices and input through tutor time.

School starts promptly at 8.40am and the register is taken at 8.45am. The registers will close at 9.00am. Those students arriving between 8.45am and 9.00am will be recorded as ‘Late before the register closes.’ Those arriving after 9.00am will be marked as ‘Late’ and are recorded as an ‘Unauthorised Absence’ for the morning session.

 If the lateness is due to a legitimate reason e.g. a medical appointment, the absence can be authorised. 

Students who arrive at school late without a legitimate reason will be given a G&A Lunchtime detention on the same day.

What happens if my child misses an exam?

If you miss an examination due to illness you must telephone the school on 01425 475000 as soon as possible on the morning of the examination and before the start time.

You must provide medical evidence addressed to the Examinations Officer within seven days of the examination you missed (otherwise you will be invoiced for the missed examination).

Support will be provided from the exams officer on what steps to take next to ensure as little disruption as possible to the overall outcomes.

How do I apply for my child to have free school meals?

Applying for free school meals online. There is an online service used by Ringwood School to allow you to apply for free school meals. To complete a check you will need the following information: · Name, home address and email address · National Insurance Number or National Asylum Support Service reference number · Child’s name and date of birth.

 The data you enter on the screen will be used to process your request.  website.

How can I pay for my child’s school meals?

Arbor is our secure system for making payments to the school, for school meals, visits and activities. It allows you to make payments online using your debit/credit card. 

Can my child take a packed lunch to school?

Your child is very welcome to come to school with their own packed lunch and space is provided at lunchtime in The Stables for them to eat this.

What happens if my child has a detention after school?

Any member of staff can issue a detention. Students can be issued with detentions during break, lunch, or after School. However, Ringwood School recognises that strong relationships between School and parents/carers are vital to support improving behaviour.

For after School detentions, we provide 24 hours’ notice, through recording in the student’s diary and contacting home through an email or a phone call to inform parents/carers.

Where appropriate and possible, parental approval maybe gained by telephone to detain students earlier (e.g. on the same day). The School recognises that it does not legally require parental permission to keep students after School, however as we strongly value our relationships with our parents/carers we recognise the courtesy of 24 hours' notice to maintain these strong relationships. Where students travel using School transport (e.g. bus, taxi) parents are responsible for making alternative transport arrangements if students are required to stay after School. See the school’s Behaviour Policy and Statement of Behaviour Principles on the policies page of the school website for further details.

My child needs to leave school early for an appointment, how do I contact them?

Please call reception and a message will be conveyed to your child regarding leaving early for an appointment. 01425 475000

We are going on a family holiday during term time, what should I do?

Holidays will NOT be approved during school time following the new Pupil Registration Regulations

Parents / carers have a legal duty to ensure their child's regular attendance at school. You will need to complete a leave of absence form which can be found on the attendance page of our website.

How does the School use the 'Pupil Premium'?

Our Pupil Premium strategy focusses on supporting students in overcoming barriers and challenges to their learning through targeted evidence-based intervention both academically (with particular focus on literacy), and socially and emotionally. Our strategy is rooted in robust diagnostic assessment, observations and student voice and not driven by assumptions. This ensures that we spend funding on impactful interventions. Please see the Pupil Premium Strategy document on the policies page of the school website.

What basic equipment should my child’s bag contain?

Here is a list to help you:

• School Homework Diary

• All books for the day’s lessons

• Pens

• Purple Pen

• Pencils

• Ruler

• Reading Ruler

• Rubber

• Scientific Calculator & Protractor

• Glue stick

• Purple Pen

• P.E Kit (if needed)

• Water bottle

• Student card to pay for lunch or a packed lunch if you choose not to use the school canteen.


Why is the student diary so important?

The school diary is a great way for teachers and parents to communicate with each other. Notes can be written in and shared at home and at school. The student diary also helps the students to keep track of their home learning; when it is set and when it will be due.

What if I want to speak to someone about my child’s education?

We actively encourage parents/carers to make contact with the school. Generally, the first point of contact will be your child’s tutor or class teacher if the concern or question relates to a specific lesson. You can find a list of contacts for school staff here.

What if my child forgets their tie or is wearing incorrect uniform?

Uniform is a statement of pride in the school, a statement of belonging and a personal commitment by the individual to the school. Our school uniform is designed to encourage our students to feel proud to belong to our school community.

However, there might be times when items go missing and these can be temporarily loaned from the student reception.

What are the uniform requirements?

Information about our uniform can be found here.

Uniform is available from the Stevensons shop; online (orders can be delivered to school) through their website


Do you offer “new to you” uniform?

We have an online shop selling “new to you” items of uniform which can be paid for online and collected from main reception.

Is there anyone in the school who can translate for me?

We are able to provide translations of school information on request. Please contact reception in the first instance via email and they will be happy to help.

Who can I speak to about financial assistance for school trips and/or school uniform?

Please contact a member of the finance team who will be able to offer you support in this area.

Will I get a copy of my child’s timetable?

Yes, you can access your child’s timetable through the Arbor Parent Portal where you can also see rewards and attendance. Please have a look at the page on our website with details how to register. 

What sort of after school clubs are there?

We have a range of exciting after school clubs on offer and you can find details of the PE clubs and fixtures on our website and Socials.

How can I get involved in the life of the school?

We would really welcome you to become involved with the life of the school. You can do this by joining the PTA, becoming a school governor or attending the Parent Focus Group meetings which are the last Tuesday of the term 1/3/5.

What if my child is experiencing unkind behaviour from other students?

Sadly, it does happen here but as a school we will always follow up on any incident that is reported to us. However, if we don’t know it’s very hard for us to do anything.  Students can talk to any member of staff, anti-bullying ambassadors or one of our sixth form mental health ambassadors. Students can also email their Tutor, Head of Year or the Safeguarding Team as well as using the Worry Box on the website. We treat every incident individually and will talk you through our decision making when it comes to next steps and / or consequences. We take prejudicial incidents and incidents of sexual harassment or sexual violence very seriously and having been working with our student body to create an Anti-Bullying Charter. We place high importance on student voice and will seek it regularly.

What if my child loses their lunch card?

If your child loses their lunch card a replacement can be purchased through our website. A charge of £3 applies. 

What if my child loses their diary?

 If your child loses their school diary a replacement can be purchased through student reception. There will be a small charge for this added to your parent pay account.

How does my child get a locker?

Lockers are available to hire for £10 per year. Students will need to provide their own keyed padlock - we do not recommend using code locks. Lockers will be available to hire on our online store around the end of September - we will contact you when they become available.

What happens if there is an emergency school closure?

In the event that conditions mean that school is closed before the school day starts: You will receive notification by text by 7.00am and we will also post that we are closed on the school website and inform local radio stations: Heart FM and BBC Radio Solent. In the event that conditions mean that school has to close during the school day: You will receive notification from the school by text. We will also allow students to use their mobile ‘phones to contact you. Please make arrangements with your child so that they know if they are making their own way home or whether you are planning to pick them up. We will have contacted the bus companies and will inform students travelling by bus if there is a problem with their return journey. Your child will be supervised in school until such time as there are not students left in the building, however our priority will be to get students and staff home safely.

Do you have sets for all subjects?

We currently teach students in different teaching groups in KS3. In Maths, Science, French and Humanities subjects, students are taught in ability groups. These teaching groups are determined by Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS) test data collected at the start of Year 7/ KS2 data and termly Assessments. In Maths, Science and French these ability sets are continued at KS4. Non-core, English and option subjects are taught as mixed ability in both KS3 & 4

How do I know what clubs are on after school?

Information on our current clubs can be found here: