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Student Leadership

Sixth Form students are actively encouraged to volunteer and apply for student leadership opportunities. Our Principal students represent the school and our community at a wide host of events throughout the year. Their work and responsibilities are very varied and these students always embrace and represent our House Values. 

Each of our five Houses has Leadership posts in three key areas. A Charity Captain, who has the responsibility for helping choose our charities that we support, as well as organising events to raise awareness and funds for these charities. A Sports Captain, who has responsibility for running sports and team events throughout the year, harnessing team spirit amongst their houses. A House Captain, who has responsibility for organising House Events during the year to promote the House Values of being curious, being determined, dreaming big, making no excuses and embracing opportunities. To complement our 6th Form Leadership Team we mirror these posts in Year 8 and 10 and students from these years share the responsibility in each of the three areas. Once selected these students receive dedicated training on leadership styles and methods to ensure they gain the necessary confidence and skills to bring their wonderful ideas to fruition.

Students also have the opportunity to become Subject Ambassadors, all Post 16 subjects appoint students to support the work of the department and represent them at key school events. This role will often include supporting the work of their peers and younger students as well as giving talks about their enjoyment of the subject.

We also welcome students to promote the health well being our students and staff each year we appoint a team of  Mental Health Ambassadors. Working with the Safeguarding Team, the Mental Health Ambassadors will help with resources, campaigns and promoting a culture of positive mental health and kindness across our school community.


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